Up to $10,000
Demonstration Grants are currently closed.
Grant Recipients
In September 2023, TLC awarded $10,000 to twelve Tukituki sub-catchment groups to fund projects with demonstration value. The chosen projects encompassed a range of initiatives, from land management practices and weed control to water quality improvement and community engagement strategies. “These are catchment-specific projects as a result of genuine community engagement, which is a novel approach for the wider Tukituki waterway”, said Hilson. “We are excited to see the impact these projects will have and the knowledge they will generate for the broader Tukituki community and even further afield."
Upper Tukituki - willow and shingle island management
Papanui - community engagement through two primary kura
Mangarara - increasing knowledge around erosion control and silt retention
Mangamahaki - rethinking riparian planting - best practice following willow removal
Tukipo - Old Man’s Beard management trial (Monckton Scenic Reserve)
Makaretu - baseline report on the Makaretu River
Maharakeke and Pōrangahau (combined project) - signage and riparian planting
Kahahakuri - cow cress management
Hawea - cost benefit report on best use of poplars at the end of their useful life
Makara - catchment stock-take
Lower Tukituki Corridor - collective learning with a high level assessment of current issues and potential future risks of this section of the Tukituki River
Demonstration Grant Project Summaries
1 Makara
A whole catchment assessment to highlight critical points and
areas where mitigation measures could be targeted. A trial
with FEMP data collection is underway. Dates have been set for
workshops and a community meeting early in the New Year.
2 Mangarara
Increasing knowledge around erosion control and silt retention.
Maps of the local geology and critical erosion areas, together with
a stream survey will be used to target mitigation trials. A2E (Access
to Experts) have agreed to 72 hours of free expert assistance for this
project. A recent site visit included a presentation from Garth Eyles.
3 Papanui
Community engagement through two primary kura | schools who will submit projects for implementation in term one 2024. Projects will help build the knowledge of tamariki around issues and solutions within the catchment e.g. erosion control, water quality, and lead to actions that benefit the catchment such as plant propagation
4 Mangamahaki
Rethinking riparian planting - best practice showcase project. A site visit with a panel of experts will be planned following the clearance of willows from the Mangamahaki stream with the intention of providing land managers with practical advice on the best approach to riparian planting and management.
5 Hawea
Remove and repurpose old man poplar that is blocking waterways and damaging infrastructure. This will include education and information around poplar plantings and how old poplars can be processed for on-farm use.
6 Lower Tukituki Corridor
Intergenerational knowledge catchment interviews to capture experiences and ideas, together with an assessment of out of scheme river management (i.e. areas between the convergence of the Waipawa and Tukituki rivers to downstream of the Patangata Bridge that don’t have stop banks).
7 Upper Tukituki
Management of willow and shingle islands that are impeding and diverting river flow. The showcase project will focus on nine hectares of invasive willows growing in the channel. A project manager has been employed to work through consent/permitted activity requirements.
8 Kahahakuri
Cow cress/water celery control. A site visit with HBRC took place to highlight critical areas. Looking at a multi-pronged approach including organic solutions and a trial of planting for shade. A2E (Access to Experts) have agreed to 42 hours of free expert assitance for this project.
9 Pōrangahau & 10 Maharakeke (WOWMAP)
Education and awareness through signage and a riparian planting project. The project will involve Silver Fern Farms and Takapau School.
11 Tukipo
Old Man’s beard management trial in Monckton Scenic Reserve. Stage one will commence shortly.
12 Makaretu
Baseline report on the Makaretu River. Horizontal river survey showing key aspects including land-use, planting, erosion, flooding issues, hydrology etc. A survey has been drafted. A2E (Access to Experts) have agreed to 25 hours of free expert assistance for this project.