Primary Township Ongaonga
Area 13,084 hectares
Number of farms Greater than 20ha = 64
Tukituki Dashboard results MCI
Who are we working with HBRC, CHBDC, Ongaonga Community
Committee Hamish Bibby, Duncan Holden, Melissa Bradley, Fiona Paterson, Clint Deckard, Greg Frater, Laurie Gordon, Mickey Trotter

The Upper Tukituki Catchment covers 13,084 hectares with 64 farms greater than 20 hectares. The primary township is Ongaonga through which the Ongaonga Stream flows. The catchment straddles the Tukituki River from the Ruahine Ranges to the confluence with the Tukipo River.
Low Macroinvertebrate Community Index scores reflect sediment issues in the river and high levels of nitrates are present in groundwater.
Catchment Group Contact
Hamish Bibby | 0277776619
Catchment Group Email